رابط کاربری جدید Microsoft

شرکت Microsoft از رابط کاربری جدید خود برای کنسول نسل نهمی Xbox Series X رونمایی کرد.

اخبار دنیای گیم را در وی جی سی بخوانید

Microsoft unveiled an extensive look at the new Xbox user interface,
which is designed to provide a cohesive experience for players across a variety of devices,
including Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, and Android devices via cloud gaming.
The overall layout should be familiar to longtime Xbox players, but with a faster,
more focused design. Take a look at the UI in the gallery and video below.

Xbox Series X User Interface

Microsoft says that the home screen will load more than 50% faster when booting up the system, and around 30% faster when returning from a game. The improvements also cut down on memory usage considerably – around 40% Microsoft says. Other improvements include the consolidation of Parties and Chat into a single tab to streamline communication and make it easier to track what’s going on with your friends.

One key aspect mentioned is how the system will connect to mobile devices using a new Xbox mobile app. When you capture a gameplay clip, for example, it will automatically be sent to the mobile app, making it easy to then share to your social media of choice.

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