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پادشاه اوریگامی می آید

تا عرضه بازی Paper Mario: The Origami King فقط دو روز مانده است.


In just a couple of days’ time, we’ll all be jumping and hammering our way into Paper Mario: The Origami King on Switch. If you’ve already visited our homepage today, you’ll have spotted that reviews for the game have now gone live. So, what do the critics think?

Below, we’ve rounded up a selection of quotes and review scores from a number of different outlets. The response is mostly positive, although there are a fair few complaints that are pretty consistent across the board. Before we dive in, we’d naturally like to urge you to check out our very own review:


OK, now you’ve read that, let’s see just how well (or not) the game has gone down with other critics around the world:

GamesRadar noted a ‘wildly varying’ difficultly level among other little issues, but otherwise came away impressed, awarding the game 4.5 out of 5:




حبرهای به روز دنیا گیم را در وی جی سی بخوانید




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