شایعه جدید در مورد Halo Infinite

شایعه جدید در مورد Halo Infinite

احتمالا بخش چندنفره (Multiplayer) بازی Halo Infinite رایگان خواهد بود.


Halo Infinite’s multiplayer on Xbox Series XXbox One, and PC may release separate from the game’s campaign.

Why? Because 343 Industries and Xbox are reportedly thinking about making it free-to-play and standalone
, much like Call of Duty: Warzone is to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and soon, Call of Duty 2020.
This new rumor comes just a day after 343 Industries and Microsoft squashed the previous big rumor making the rounds about the game’s multiplayer
, which is that it would be delayed and release after the campaign hits this holiday season.

The rumor comes way of Windows Central, which notes that there’s currently a “strong possibility” that the multiplayer of the game will be free-to-play.
This would be a first for the series. That said, it sounds like the decision may not be final yet.
That, or Windows Central isn’t 100 percent confident in its source.

Whether this is true or not, who knows. At the moment of publishing, 343 Industries and Microsoft haven’t commented on the rumor in any capacity.
And this is noteworthy given how quick they were to shut down the rumors that the multiplayer would be delayed.

Further, it wouldn’t be very surprising. In fact, developers on the game and Xbox itself have hinted and suggested as much in the past.
In a recent interview, Xbox boss Phil Spencer revealed that the “structure of what the game is” has been changed from past entries.




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