کد Windows XP درز کرد.

کد Windows XP به صورت غیر قانونی در اینترنت منتشر شد.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Reports have emerged today that the Windows XP source code has been leaked to 4chan,
with the leaked code then being posted to a torrent and the Mega file sharing service.
Reports have also emerged that independent researchers have since begun analyzing the data,
with initial indications that the leak is legitimate. However, there hasn’t been an official confirmation.

The thread on 4chan has since been archived (it was only open for four hours), and Microsoft hasn’t commented publicly on the matter yet, either.

Windows XP, and the Iconic Bliss background that is said to be the most viewed image in history, has now passed its 19th birthday and reached its end of life in 2014, meaning Microsoft no longer supports the operating system. As such, critical security updates and compatibility with modern-era hardware hasn’t been added. Regardless, it’s predicted that one percent of computers still have the aging operating system installed.

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