کشفی در منوی اصلی Xbox

بعد از بیش از ۲ دهه، یک Easter Egg در منوی اصلی Xbox پیدا شد. برای دسترسی به این Easter Egg، انجام مراحل زیر لازم است:

go to “Music”

insert an audio CD

. On the Audio CD screen, you’ll need to select “Copy”

click “Copy” again

“Choose “New Soundtrack”

It will then ask you to rename the soundtrack title

 rename to ‘Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!’ (with exactly 26 Ys)

Once the console finishes copying the tracks, head back to the main menu on the console’s dashboard

click on “Settings”

then “System Info.”

A new screen listing will appear that was not previously there, and it contains a list of four members that were a part of the “Xbox Dashboard Team.

2 دیدگاه. Leave new

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